Category: Life

  • Walmart Photo Studio – An Experience

    So, we decided to get some family pictures done to appease the extended family and heck I guess we should have a picture of the family on our wall somewhere. I made the appointment at the Barrhaven Walmart (3851 Strandherd Dr.) and got an appointment within a week, I was slightly picky due to my…

  • What its like to participate in the Breastfeeding Challenge…

    As I mentioned in a previous post I participated in the 2007 Breastfeeding Challenge today at St. Laurent Center in Ottawa. I met up with my friend Jenn and we were ready for anything…. well for the most part. Since we both had pre-registered online we got to go into a “special” line to get…

  • Breastfeeding Challenge – Sept 29, 2007

    That’s right its that time of the year again…. time to grab your nursling and head out to a local mall (or venue) and nurse in public with other mothers! The Challenge is put out by the Quintessence Foundation located in BC and people across Canada and the US compete to see who can gather…

  • Is it possible to get “just” a hotdog at Costco?

    The quick answer is NO!  I stopped at Costco yesterday very quickly to get one of their yummy Iced Mocha’s (humm, drool) and a hotdog.  So on the menu it says hotdog and pop for $1.99 (plus free refills) and iced mocha for $2.29.  I figured like most places if you order a beverage that is more…

  • Yard Sale for Dr. Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Clinic

    Dr. Jack Newman is the “Canadian Breastfeeding Guru” and he is no longer receiving government funding to run his clinic that helps many new mother succeed at breastfeeding their babies. This is really a sign of how sad things are for woman seeking help while learning how to nurse there babies. I for one have…

  • Canadian Cancer Society – Driven to Quit Challenge

    Canadian Cancer Society – The Driven to Quit Challenge Does anyone else find this “challenge” ridiculous? I mean really… offering people the incentive to win a car to quit smoking. I say, what about those who don’t smoke? What can they win? Should I start smoking so I can quit and qualify to win a…

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