What its like to participate in the Breastfeeding Challenge…

As I mentioned in a previous post I participated in the 2007 Breastfeeding Challenge today at St. Laurent Center in Ottawa. I met up with my friend Jenn and we were ready for anything…. well for the most part.

Since we both had pre-registered online we got to go into a “special” line to get our numbers. I was lucky and got number 40 with no issues. My friend however had to stand in 2 lines before being told they couldn’t find her pre-registration and just to start anew. It was very frustrating as it could have been better organized.

Anyways, we find our seats and get set for the challenge. The question of course in our heads was… what the heck is going to happen? So out comes Sandra Plagakis from 105.3 Kiss FM to let us know that she has nursed 2 babes and introduce the real MC’s. She introduced Angie Poirier from A-Channel Ottawa and a french doctor (my apologizes to her for not catching her name). They go on about sponsors, the benefits of Breastfeeding and encourage people walking by to participate. You could just see all the young men who were out for a nice day at the mall realizing that they had potentially scored an opportunity to catch a glimpse of a boob. So she gives the warning.. 2 minutes until we start, then keeps talking. My babe was getting tired and antsy so I started nursing early… then all of a sudden the count down… 5,4,3,2,1… LATCH! The strangest thing of all was you were asked that once your babe had latched on to put your hand up to be counted.

Anyways.. Congrats to Ottawa who had 198 woman and babes breastfeeding all at once! 🙂

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