Yard Sale for Dr. Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Clinic

Dr. Jack Newman is the “Canadian Breastfeeding Guru” and he is no longer receiving government funding to run his clinic that helps many new mother succeed at breastfeeding their babies. This is really a sign of how sad things are for woman seeking help while learning how to nurse there babies. I for one have contacted Dr. Newman via e-mail a couple of times and he has been nothing but a great help and should be credited with helping me nurse my baby for so long. Anyways, Mom2Mom-Toronto is rallying around the clinic and raising money that will go directly to help Dr. Newman’s Clinic. Here is the press release:

Charity Fundraising Indoor Yard Sale for Dr Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Clinic on Canadian Breastfeeding Challenge Day by MOM2MOM TORONTOCheck out the flyer for the event at this site. Not your ordinary indoor yard sale

Toronto, ON —Dr. Jack Newman established Canada’s first hospital-based breastfeeding clinic in 1984 at The Hospital for Sick Children. Soon thereafter, he opened clinics in several Toronto hospitals as the need for his expertise grew. Unfortunately, all of his hospital clinics have closed down, including the last of them at North York General Hospital last December 2005, when government funding for the programme came to an end. Thankfully, Dr. Jack Newman has found a new home for his new and sole clinic in Toronto where new and breastfeeding moms can go for help.

Today, Dr Newman, together with Ms Edith Kernerman, continues to empower mothers to achieve their own breastfeeding goals through the NEWMAN BREASTFEEDING CLINIC & INSTITUTE (NBCI) which is located in the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Building. Since they no longer receive any government funding, they rely on the support of moms, families, and organizations such as ours.
As a breastfeeding advocate, MOM2MOM TORONTO is holding a Charity Fundraising Indoor Yard Sale for Dr. Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding Clinic in Toronto. 100% of the proceeds of the Charity Yard Sale will be going directly to the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic & Institute.

When : Saturday, September 29th 2007 10:00am-2:00pm, during Breastfeeding Challenge Day

Where : The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Building
1255 Sheppard Avenue East (@ Leslie, near IKEA), Toronto M2K 1E2

How : We need your help and support! Here’s what we’re looking for…
Item Donations (all items collected will be sold at the sale, with the funds being collected by and going directly to the NBCI). All pre-loved baby/kids/maternity clothing, toys, books, baby equipment donations should be clean, and in good condition. To arrange drop-off of your donated items, kindly email us.

Monetary Donations
Please consider a donation to the Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation, a registered charity, and earmark the donation for the Newman Breastfeeding Clinic & Institute.

If you don’t need a charitable tax receipt, you can also forward a cheque directly to Dr Newman’s Clinic at The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Please be sure to put “DONATION – M2M” on your cheque so they know what it is for. Donations will also be accepted at the Sale by Dr Newman’s staff.

Your presence come and shop for great deals that support a great cause! admission is FREE!Join other breastfeeding moms at the Breastfeeding Challenge 2007 and let’s make breastfeeding history together! Buy a raffle ticket or 2 (all monies to go to the Newman Clinic) and enter to win a prize from our supporters during the hourly raffle draws.

If you need more info you can contact: Dani Arnold via e-mail at daniandnick@hotmail.com or mom2momdani@gmail.com

Unfortunately I don’t live close enough to physically help out but I wish Mom2Mom-Toronto the best of luck as Dr. Newman is a man we need to keep around.


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