Category: Cloth Diapers

  • Cloth Diaper Market – Impressive

    I recently started purchasing my natural family products from the Cloth Diaper Market located in Barrhaven, ON (South/West’ish end of Ottawa). This is a super convenient location for us since we always go by Barrhaven to get home from Ottawa. Being able to pick stuff up locally means NO shipping charges for us!! I was…

  • Pocket Change Diapers – Just Awful!

    Ok… I’ve had enough. DON’T BUY POCKET CHANGE DIAPERS!!! I’ve given them the benefits of the doubt, been nice and understanding but the quality of materials are completely awful. Continuing on my saga…. I recieved my exchanged diapers back in August and barely used them and VOILA the green one has now lost its elastic…

  • Baby Bits make using cloth wipes easy!

    I purchased some Baby Bits from Punkinhead Kids an online retailer of natural parenting products. They were recommended to me by a friend who is also uses cloth diapers and wipes. Here is the description of what exactly they are: So basically its soap that you can either pour over some cloth wipes to have…

  • Replacing elastics in Pocket Change Diaper

    Since Kim at Montana’s Diaper Store did not replace two of my diapers with defective elastics I decided to whip out my sewing machine and fix the darn things myself. Quite frankly I should have just done this from the start and avoided the weeks without my diapers and of course the shipping costs of…

  • More Pocket Change Diaper -Disappointment

    I originally ordered 6 Pocket Change Diapers from Montana’s Diaper Store after a friend ordered some and said they looked like a super deal. They are new to the market and came with 2 inserts for about $18 US which is pretty good considering we bought some Fuzzi Bunz in Canada for about $24 CAN…

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