I recently started purchasing my natural family products from the Cloth Diaper Market located in Barrhaven, ON (South/West’ish end of Ottawa). This is a super convenient location for us since we always go by Barrhaven to get home from Ottawa. Being able to pick stuff up locally means NO shipping charges for us!!
I was impressed that Andrea (the owner) actually carries Allen’s Detergent which is the recommended laundry detergent for Fuzzi Bunz and other diapers. I went on a bit of a tour of her business and was impressed at the variety of different cloth diapers which includes the Canadian made Annie Marie Padorie (AMP) diapers which are very similar to the Fuzzi Bunz but maybe better (I am going to have to try these with our next babe). Baby Bits are also a bit cheaper here, too!
I found out about the Cloth Diaper Market while participating in the Breastfeeding Challenge in Ottawa, she very conveniently put a business card in the gift bags with a code for 10% off. Of course I like when I get a coupon. I have only ever received a coupon once before from a site I have ordered from. Very smart, Andrea!
So be sure to check it out by clicking on the links above!!