Perfect Pads – AWESOME!!

After talking with some of my eco-friendly friends I found out that there are cloth menstrual pads on the market and that they really aren’t that bad. After doing some research I settled on buying some “Perfect Pads” which I ordered from Jamtots since they are a Canadian retailer. I first ordered 6 Diva Day pads with the hemp core, I thought they were very comfortable and slim. Best of all they don’t smell like the disposable kinds. I thought to myself that I now know what my baby feels like while wearing a Fuzzi Bunz diaper, its pretty sweet having fleece near your private area!

After such great luck with the Diva Days I decided to buy some panty protectors for everyday use. I bought 9 and have been very satisfied. My only gripe is that they are a bit long for my liking at 9.5 inches but I have managed to figure out how to make them more comfortable by just adjusting where they sit once snapped on.

Here is what they look like in real life – these are the Pure Organic ones:

Perfect Pads - Diva Day

Here are the panty protectors:

Panty Protector - Perfect Pads

Here is a comparison in size for the two:

Compare - Perfect Pads

So as you can see they come in some pretty funky colors which at first i thought was odd but they work so well it doesn’t matter what they look like anymore.

Now you are probably asking yourself about washing them… right? Well, its pretty simple I just put the used pad in a small bucket of water near the toilet and change the water everyday for about 3 days. Then I wash the dirty pads by chucking the water and all into the washer and washing on hot with a small amount of Allen’s Naturally Detergent. Once washed they are either hung up to dry or put in the dryer. So, you really don’t have to touch any nastiness.

Chalk this up to another eco-friendly feat for our household. No unnecessary disposable “convenience” items for us. I wish more people would open up their minds to small changes like cloth diapers and menstrual pads… the difference is amazing!!

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