Replacing elastics in Pocket Change Diaper

Since Kim at Montana’s Diaper Store did not replace two of my diapers with defective elastics I decided to whip out my sewing machine and fix the darn things myself. Quite frankly I should have just done this from the start and avoided the weeks without my diapers and of course the shipping costs of sending them back to Montana.

I first looked up how to replace the elastics in Fuzzi Bunz diapers since I remembered reading on the Fuzzi Bunz Corporate Site how they suggested to do it. Its pretty simple; “With a seam ripper, gently unstitch the seam that encases the elastic in the legs. Turn the Fuzzi Bunz inside out. Where the original elastic started, re-sew new elastic in with a sewing machine by pulling gently on the elastic while sewing with a zig zag stitch.”

I was surprised however that when I turned my Pocket Change Diaper inside out that the snaps were actually holding parts of the seam down making it very hard to get the whole thing out. Here is a pic of what I am taking about:


Snaps holding seam down

The snaps on this diaper are holding the seam down for the casing that holds the elastic I needed to replace.

It was much worst on one diaper but I managed to work around it by just taking a seam ripper to the ends of the elastic casing where the elastic is attached.

To my surprise the elastics I took out of the diapers looked like they had been around for years. They were stretched and parts of the elastic were falling off. Here is a pic of the two elastics I replaced… looks like good quality, eh? And apparently completely acceptable for 3-6 months use.


So now after much hassle and wasted money I now have 6 pocket change diapers with elastics that are working…. for now that is. This saga will probably continue…

2 responses to “Replacing elastics in Pocket Change Diaper”

  1. Thanks so much for posting this! I was searching around to find out how to replace elastic because I was given some Fuzzi Bunz diapers that had no elasticity left in them so I was going to try and replace it but I’m a beginning sewer. Your instructions are very clear- thank you!

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